Coronary Angiogram test in Hull
A coronary angiogram is a special procedure that takes dynamic x-ray pictures of your heart. The purpose of this procedure is to see if your coronary arteries are narrowed or blocked and to look for abnormalities of your heart muscle or heart valves. Another term for coronary angiogram is cardiac catheterisation.
What happens during an angiogram?
You can expect the test to last around half an hour, although it can sometimes take longer. You will need to lie flat for the procedure.
You will be asked not to eat or drink anything for a few hours before your procedure. Please let the nurse know if you have diabetes so they can look after you.
You’ll be given a local anaesthetic injection in the wrist or groin, which numbs the area. The doctor will make a small cut and the catheter (a thin, flexible tube) will then be pushed into an artery.
The catheter will be directed through your blood vessels and up to your heart. The doctors will use X-ray to help guide them to the arteries.
A special dye will then be passed through the catheter and a series of images will be taken. It is very common to feel a hot, flushing sensation as the dye enters your bloodstream, but this is completely normal and only lasts for a few seconds. The dye will show up any narrowed areas or blockages in the artery on the X-ray photos.
You will be awake and able to talk to the medical team throughout your procedure. You’ll be attached to a heart monitor that records your heart rate and rhythm and you’ll have a probe measuring your oxygen levels on your finger. If you feel unwell or uncomfortable at any time, you should tell a member of the hospital staff.
If you are feeling very anxious about having this test, you can ask for a mild sedative to help you relax.
Why do I need coronary angiography?
Coronary angiography can be used to help diagnose heart conditions, help plan future treatments and carry out certain procedures.
For example, it may be used:
After a heart attack – where the heart's blood supply is blocked
To help diagnose angina – where pain in the chest is caused by restricted blood supply to the heart
To plan interventional or surgical procedures – such as a coronary angioplasty, where narrowed or blocked blood vessels are widened
Coronary angiography is also considered to be the best method of diagnosing coronary heart disease, where a build-up of fatty substances in the coronary arteries affects the heart's blood supply.